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Membership Form

You are invited to become a member of Appin Historical Society for the  year 1 September 2024 to 31 August 2025. The policy of the society is that we do not share your information with any organisation and that membership records are kept only for as long as needed.  Please complete this form and send it with your remittance to Membership Secretary, Appin Historical Society, Appin Community Co-operative, Port Appin, Argyll, PA38 4DE, Scotland. or email Membership Secretary, Christine Ross,


Individual membership costs £20 or £30 for two people at the same address.  Payment is accepted in £Sterling by cheque, cash, or BACS. Bank details are: Royal Bank of Scotland Sort Code 83-26-04, Account Number 00138526, Account Name Appin Historical Society. Please email us when you have paid so that we can enter this in our records. Payment by PayPal is no longer available.


A programme of events for the coming session is enclosed and you will be kept up-to-date and reminded of future meetings by email as well as on the website.


Name     .......................................................................................................................................

Address .......................................................................................................................................


Telephone number (optional) .......................................................................................................


Email .......................................................................................................


To help the Society and the planet, we are asking members if they would be willing to receive the Appin Archive by email.  Please tick the appropriate box.


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